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Mr Wiesław Strąk will join the Management Board of ORLEN Upstream


​On Monday, 23 March, the Supervisory Board of ORLEN Upstream reappointed Mr Wiesław Prugar as the President of the Management Board and the Chief Executive Officer. Mr Wiesław Strąk will assume the position of the Vice-President of the Management Board and the Chief Financial Officer as of the second quarter 2015.
Mr Wiesław Prugar has had nearly 30 years of experience in the oil & gas sector and has been with PKN ORLEN S.A. for 10 years. He assumed the position of the President of the Management Board for the third time. He has been involved in the development of the hydrocarbons exploration and production segment at ORLEN Group since 2005. He is also the Managing Director of ORLEN Upstream International as well as the Member of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer of a Canadian subsidiary of the ORLEN Group.
Mr Wiesław Strąk demonstrated an extensive experience in the finance administration as he has held managing positions in the leading entities of the technological sector over the past years. He worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Impexmetal, Telekomunikacja Polska, and Dell. In the recent years he was the Vice-President of the Management Board and the CEO at Signity, a consulting company from IT sector as well as the manufacturer and integrator of software for the advanced IT systems.


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